Binger, Oklahoma in Western Oklahoma has 46 positive cases of COVID-19 and has had 8 deaths mostly in their nursing home. With a population of 650 and a total of 1000 in the surrounding community, Binger desperately needed help.
Pastor Mark Price of FBC, Binger contacted government authorities who wanted to help, but had to work through a process. Mark also called Dr. Hance Dilbeck who called Don Williams, Oklahoma’s Disaster Relief Director.
On Sunday afternoon, April 19, Don texted Cimarron’s Director of Missions about our Laundry Trailer. Less than 24 hours later, Myron Long and Randy Collum had delivered the trailer to the Binger Nursing Home. Following the Trailer’s set up, the Pastor’s wife and others did 20 loads of laundry in the first three hours. The town of Binger is grateful for any help that they can and will receive. However, it was pretty impressive to see Oklahoma Baptists and Cimarron Association spring into action so quickly.
BREAKING NEWS: Pastor Mark called on Wednesday, May 6 and reported that there is only one positive case in Binger now
What started in Cimarron Association just twelve years ago with a chainsaw trailer and a few volunteers has grown dramatically. We now have two flood recovery trailers, a construction trailer, the only fully devoted DR laundry trailer in the state, a man-lift, a van and soon to be received, a one ton pickup. CBA has over 150 trained DR volunteers from about 25 churches.
In addition to that, we have a trailer barn that houses three trailers, but it is not big enough for all of our equipment. Plans are to build a larger barn that can contain our laundry trailer and additional equipment. The proposed cost of this new larger trailer barn is $60,000, even with volunteers helping with construction. Currently we have had two donations resulting in $6,500 toward the cost. Could the Lord be speaking to you about helping with this great ministry? Contact Ted Wilson 918-645-2958 or our DOM, Scott Morie.
Cimarron has a large, beautiful rebuild and construction trailer that is very seldom called out for disasters. Therefore, it is readily available for local projects. DR Blue Cap Leader, Jon Syverson, has used it for some of his church’s members and projects. Pastor Jon most recently put it to good use in renovating a house in Drumright which is going to be an additional location for the Love, Inc. Ministry.
If you or your church would like to borrow the rebuild trailer for a mission trip or project in your community, contact our DOM. You do not need to be DR certified or trained.
For over 50 years Southern Baptist Disaster Relief has expressed Christ’s love to a hurting world, and we have one of the best teams here in Cimarron Baptist Association. Some of our Disaster Relief teams have recently been helping flood victims in our association. Before that our laundry trailer was in Nebraska for 8 weeks serving the needs of victims and volunteers. We are fortunate to have a chainsaw, a mud out, a rebuild, and a laundry trailer. Disaster Relief volunteers respond to disasters across our country and sometimes in other countries.
The CBA Chainsaw Crew headed by Ted Wilson, have been on mission at various locations for several weeks. They have helped homeowners in Skiatook, North Tulsa, Hominy, Sapulpa and Fort Gibson.
Our CBA Flood Recovery teams have mainly served in the Pawnee area helping clean out at least 11 different homes. DR leader, Jon Syverson, said six churches sent volunteers to help ranging in age from ten years old to Sr. Adults. Special thanks to Masham Pastor, Johnny Wagner, the College Minister from University Heights, Stillwater, Cal Balmos and to FBC, Pawnee for feeding the volunteers.
Blue Cap DR Leader Jon Syverson working with volunteers to do flood recovery in the Pawnee area have completed their assignments. Thanks also to FBC Pawnee for feeding our volunteers breakfast and lunch !
Though our Chainsaw Crew has been in Hominy and Avant, they are available to help in our association. Beginning Monday morning, June 3 at FBC, Pawnee, DR Blue Cap leader Jon Syverson along with Masham Pastor Johnny Wagner will be directing volunteers to help in the Pawnee area. If you are interested in helping, call Jon – 918-698-8066 or just show up at FBC, Pawnee at 8:30 am on Monday morning. FBC Pawnee Pastor John Coker said his church would serve both breakfast and lunch. You do not need to be DR trained or certified to volunteer for this mission project. The BGCO DR has some supplies available to give churches if they desire to do DR ministry in their own area. There are also some funds available for church members who may have been overwhelmed. Let Scott Morie know of any needs in your ministry field.