Binger, Oklahoma in Western Oklahoma has 46 positive cases of COVID-19 and has had 8 deaths mostly in their nursing home. With a population of 650 and a total of 1000 in the surrounding community, Binger desperately needed help.

Pastor Mark Price of FBC, Binger contacted government authorities who wanted to help, but had to work through a process. Mark also called Dr. Hance Dilbeck who called Don Williams, Oklahoma’s Disaster Relief Director.

On Sunday afternoon, April 19, Don texted Cimarron’s Director of Missions about our Laundry Trailer. Less than 24 hours later, Myron Long and Randy Collum had delivered the trailer to the Binger Nursing Home. Following the Trailer’s set up, the Pastor’s wife and others did 20 loads of laundry in the first three hours. The town of Binger is grateful for any help that they can and will receive. However, it was pretty impressive to see Oklahoma Baptists and Cimarron Association spring into action so quickly.

BREAKING NEWS: Pastor Mark called on Wednesday, May 6 and reported that there is only one positive case in Binger now