Thank you Hillcrest in Stillwater for hosting our first Board Meeting since last September. Each of our four ministry teams had quality presentations. It was reported that the Association experienced a significant drop in giving during 2020. Of course, this can be attributed to COVID, but we may be looking at some big adjustments in the 2021-22 budget which begins this July.

The church health/Revitalization team is moving forward with written expectations for churches going through the CBA Revitalization process. Special thanks to team leader, Ryan Smith. The positive success of FBC, Drumright should be a huge encouragement to other churches who might be considering this ministry.

Our next meeting is being hosted by our CBA Moderator, DJ Carney at his church, FBC, Bristow. Write this date down – Monday, March 29. Team Meetings at 9:00, Brunch at 10:00 followed by the Board Meeting.