This has been a phenomenal conference for the last several years with 300 people attending last year. It is primarily for smaller-in-attendance church leaders. Our Regional Ministry Partner, Dr. Mark Dance is the guest speaker and our own pastor, Johnny Wagner is a part of one session. For more info go to
This is a list of the current Bible Studies that we have at the CBA. If you are interested in checking any of these studies out, please contact the office.
Also, if you have any DVD Bible studies that your church is not using and you would be willing to donate them to the Association for others to use, please Sharon know.
Last thing… if you have a CBA Bible study that you have not returned, please Sharon know.
During times of stress, isolation and change, one option is to visit with a qualified Christian Counselor. Keep this information for possible use later.
Dr. Bruce Walker Relational Care Oklahoma Edmond, OK 405-882-5544
Nicole Graves Graves Counseling Cushing, OK 918-285-6268